Where in the world is Ugly Betty?
Where in the world is Ugly Betty?
After many years of travelling the oceans on high performance Gunboat Catamarans, Bruce and Nora have gone to The Dark Side! Their new project is venturing into the ice aboard the Steve Dashew designed expedition motoryacht "Ugly Betty". Built in 2015, and designed with High Latitude sailing in mind, she is ruggedly built in aluminum, and capable of passages of up to 6000 nautical miles without refueling.
In the last year, we have successfully completed a trip from the US East Coast as far north as Disko Island, Greenland and back. Join us on our continuing adventures. Plans for 2023 include motoring through the Bahamas and Eastern Caribbean Islands, followed by a transatlantic voyage to the Azores, British Isles, Iceland, Greenland, and an attempt at the Northwest Passage to Alaska.
Stay tuned here on www.mvuglybetty.com for updates. We hope you enjoy our website.